This is my place to talk about my opinion on current events . Inform, educate and gather the opinons of we the people. I am not running for office for me, I am running for you. Anyone can run for office. If you are tired of the same end results, if you are tired of feeling ignored, run for office. We need good people for our school boards, our corporate commisioners office. We the people need to take our power back. Its start with you and I. Ask yourself and our "leaders" Where are the real solutions at? 

We watched during locked downs the fear mongering in the media.

We watched kids be forced to mask up. We saw so many lose jobs over medical choices, we saw people rushing our border and receiving the benefits that our citizens need. We saw Illegal immigrants chosen over citizens. Are you sick of it? I know I am. We have the opportunity to rise up peacefully and reclaim what is ours.


This is the place where I can always speak to constituents , If you have things you would like me to know about here is a place to do it.  What matters to me, is what matters to you.  My only job I have is fighting for you. It wont always be pretty . Keeping you the people informed on what is happening in our state. where you can comment like or dislike. This is not about what I think or what I want. Its about protecting our liberty , keeping fairness , and being the voice for the voiceless.

What happens in our legislative district and the schools effects my child and it effects me . I want good solid Constitutional loving teachers , I will  never accept boys in girls bathrooms or on their teams. I want teachers that love America ,  I want streets that are nice and clean. Not to see drug transactions happening on the corner or at the gas station. 

A place for the homeless to get real help. Animals being cared for and not roaming the streets, and come back to allowing our children to play safely outside. 

This is all possible with the help of the community to work together in what ever spare time they have. I cannot do this alone.  We want clean streets and safe neighborhoods. We want to attract small businesses to our area ,  Its time folks to act. we need to clean up the trash in our Government first. Make Arizonans First . Keeping our people working and the middle class growing. We can no longer trust that the will of the people is being served.

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Derrick Dalton
3 months ago

Well done Danielle!!! I know you’ll do great in the House. My Hopes and Prayers that It Father in Heaven will grant you this opportunity to serve our great state.

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