Big Issues 

1. Secure Arizona Border 

2. Small Business

3. Parental school choice for children 

4. clean up our streets 

5. Support our veterans, protect our children and our elderly population


Arizona 1st

Danielle Is not a politician, she will listen to you!

Honest, conservative. 



Arizona Border Security and Management Policy

  1. Enhanced Border Infrastructure

    • Improve physical barriers where necessary and effective.
    • Increase surveillance technology deployment, such as drones and sensors.
  2. Strengthening Law Enforcement

    • Boost the number of border patrol agents and immigration officers.
    • Provide advanced training for law enforcement on border security and human rights.
  3. Legal Pathways and Immigration Reform

  4. International Cooperation

    • Work with neighboring countries to manage migration flows.
    • Support initiatives that address the root causes of migration.
  5. Humanitarian Assistance

    • Ensure humane treatment of all individuals, regardless of their immigration status.
    • Establish clear protocols for processing asylum seekers and refugees.
  6. Public Awareness and Education

    • Launch campaigns to educate on the dangers of illegal crossings and the legal avenues available.
    • Collaborate with communities to foster understanding and support for border policies.
  7. Fentanyl and Drug Trafficking

    • Implement targeted operations to combat drug trafficking, with a focus on fentanyl.
    • Increase interagency cooperation to disrupt drug smuggling routes.
  8. Accountability and Oversight

    • Establish oversight mechanisms to ensure policies are implemented lawfully and ethically.
    • Create channels for reporting and addressing misconduct or abuse.
  9. Economic Development

    • Encourage economic development in border regions to create jobs and reduce the economic incentive for illegal crossings.
    • Support small businesses and entrepreneurship in the border area.
  10. Legislative Support

    • Seek bipartisan support for comprehensive immigration reform.
    • Advocate for sufficient funding to implement and sustain border security measures.




  1. Resource Allocation: Ensuring there are enough financial, human, and technological resources to support enhanced border infrastructure and law enforcement efforts.

  2. Legal and Ethical Considerations: Policies must adhere to domestic and international laws, including those related to human rights and the treatment of asylum seekers.

  3. International Cooperation: Effective border management often requires collaboration with neighboring countries, which can be complicated by differing policies and priorities2.

  4. Public Perception and Support: Gaining public support for border security measures, especially those that may be controversial, is crucial for the policy’s success.

  5. Operational Challenges: The actual on-the-ground implementation of new technologies, infrastructure, and protocols can face unforeseen difficulties.

  6. Health and Safety: Protecting the health and safety of both migrants and border security personnel, as seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, adds another layer of complexity.

  7. Human Trafficking and Drug Smuggling: Addressing these issues requires targeted operations and interagency cooperation, which can be challenging to coordinate

  8. Economic Factors: Economic conditions on both sides of the border can influence migration patterns and the effectiveness of deterrence strategies

  9. Adaptability: The policy must be flexible enough to adapt to changing migration trends and border security threats

  10. Oversight and Accountability: Establishing mechanisms to monitor the ethical and lawful application of the policy and address any misconduct or abuse




From a conservative perspective, supporting small businesses and attracting new ones can involve a combination of fiscal responsibility, deregulation, and community-focused initiatives. Here are ideas of how to implement this.

  1. Tax Relief: Implement tax cuts or credits for small businesses to ease financial burdens and encourage reinvestment into their operations.

  2. Regulatory Reform: Streamline regulations to reduce the bureaucratic hurdles for starting and running a business. This could include simplifying the tax code and reducing the number of permits required for business operations.

  3. Economic Freedom: Promote free-market policies that encourage competition and innovation, allowing small businesses to thrive on their merits.

  4. Community Investment: Encourage local spending and investment in small businesses through “shop local” campaigns and community events.

  5. Workforce Development: Support vocational training and apprenticeship programs that equip workers with skills that are in demand by local businesses.

  6. Entrepreneurship Education: Offer workshops and resources on entrepreneurship to inspire and guide new business owners.

  7. Infrastructure Improvement: Invest in infrastructure that benefits small businesses, such as reliable roads, utilities, and broadband internet access.

  8. Capital Access: Facilitate access to capital through state-backed loan programs or partnerships with local banks to provide financing options for small businesses.

  9. Property Rights Protection: Ensure that property rights are protected, giving business owners confidence in their investments.

  10. Government Accountability: Ensure transparency and accountability in government spending and procurement to create a level playing field for small businesses.

These strategies aim to create a business-friendly environment that values personal responsibility, limited government intervention, and the principles of a free market economy.